What will happen to the construction industry?

Construction is no longer simply about building unique physical structures and infrastructures. Fundamental changes are taking place that may push engineering and construction companies to do so. As environmental concerns increase, so does the need for sustainability and green building. There is a demand for sustainable building practices to build high-performance homes that focus on energy efficiency. Modular, or “prefabricated”, prefabrication and construction methods are efficient and cost-effective.

Prefabricated building materials are manufactured off-site in a factory and assembled on-site at the project location. This method is gaining popularity because it provides greater quality control and reduces construction time and material waste. Large-scale 3D printers have the ability to print custom construction projects for a fraction of material and labor costs. Printing speeds up the process and allows for great design flexibility. Construction companies print everything from roof trim sections to entire buildings.

The global construction industry is currently facing several obstacles that are shaping its trajectory. To avoid the challenges posed by changes in the construction industry, you must stay informed about updates, invest in training, create a learning culture, and communicate with customers to understand their changing needs and expectations. Schedule a demo today to see how Buildertrend can prepare you for success in the changing construction industry. The advantages of prefabrication, which reduces construction time, improves quality control and increases profitability, are driving its increasing implementation in several construction sectors.

Artificial intelligence, drones and powerful software make it possible to take 3D modeling and rendering to a new level, improving the design process, programming, safety, compliance and the overall quality of construction projects. Even in these uncertain times, the construction industry has staying power, as do the contractors who represent it. Contractors are feeling pressure from the Build America, Buy America Act, which affects federally funded construction projects and requires that more parts and materials be purchased in the United States. A Forbes survey revealed that, while 59% of construction industry respondents considered a sustainable supply chain to be a competitive differentiator, 47% said that increased process complexity was an obstacle to achieving their sustainability goals. Skilled labor is harder to find, and rising labor costs across sectors make it difficult for construction companies to work efficiently and profitably.

These intelligent systems can help reduce environmental impacts, improve sustainability and promote efficient construction practices. Companies in all sectors struggle to hire and retain good workers, but the construction industry has been particularly hard hit. As construction technology continues to evolve, it will make your daily tasks more productive and collaboration between your team members will improve. Skilled labor was already in short supply, and more people were leaving the construction industry than entering the countryside, compounding the shortage.

Fundamental changes are taking place that may push engineering and construction companies to explore radically new ways of creating and capturing value as they make the leap toward the fourth industrial revolution. To effectively prepare for these fundamental changes, an engineering and construction company's transformation efforts must be based on a strategy to connect prefabrication and storage facilities, construction sites and expanded supply networks through a command center, a set of tools and techniques that allow companies to proactively manage their construction process from start to finish in real time and achieve new efficiencies through connected visibility, management proactive exception and predictive information.

Ginger Kentner
Ginger Kentner

General pop culture advocate. Beer advocate. Unapologetic travel buff. Unapologetic pop culture enthusiast. Hipster-friendly zombie lover. Freelance internet aficionado.